Stephen Wall installation 2
Are you a Freemason looking for information about the Craft or just a curious person willing to understand what is about Freemasonry in general? If so then this is the right place to start.
I have the privilege of being the 23rd Master of this unique lodge Internet Lodge 9659, an international lodge with around 500 members from all continents, coming from different countries and masonic constitutions.
Internet Lodge 9659 is a regular lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England, being very special due to a wide diversity of languages and cultures. From Europe to Australia and from Brazil to Japan our members enjoy the masonic knowledges and great friendship using the benefit of the modern communications technology.
We meet physically three times per year in various locations within the UGLE area (essentially England and Wales) but between meetings much of our work is taking place on line, via our e-mail list and this web site. Our members are in contact on daily basis working to do projects together, to share their Masonic knowledges, to visit each other, to become involved in charity activities or just to spend quality friendship moments together. A fourth meeting being a fraternal visit to a different country can be decided by the Worshipful Master.
Our meeting locations are chosen every year by the incoming Worshipful Master as mentioned also in his Manifesto and for 2021 our meetings will be held in:
Salford Masonic Hall for installation on Saturday 14th August 2021 (delayed from March because of the pandemic)
Rugby Masonic Hall in October 2021
Although I had hoped to arrange a visit overseas, this is not appropriate this year
Please enjoy your visit to our web site.
Bro Stephen Wall
Worshipful Master Internet Lodge 9659 2021-2022