Chad Northcott webMy visit to Internet Lodge for the Installation on 19 March 2016 was memorable. The greeting and hospitality I was afforded was excellent. Despite the distances involved it is clear that the events team worked hard to ensure all travelling members are accommodated and welcomed.

Retention of Freemasons in Lodges is a topical subject at the moment and I was impressed with the way new members are ‘mentored’, especially the younger brethren who have access to incredible communication resources through your websites, social media presence, your ‘list’ and email.

The standard of working the ritual was exemplary and the Festive Board was lively, buoyant and punctuated with healthy conversation, banter and good feeling.

You have a unique, special and vibrant Lodge. Very much looking forward to my next visit.


W Bro Chad Northcott

Past Senior Grand Diacon, UGLE
Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Province of East Lancashire