Order Qualification Regalia Degrees Story Information
ROYAL ARCH (Chapter) Master Mason (for at least 4 weeks) Apron, sash, jewel Exaltation Discovery of the Lost Word at the Building of the Second Temple United Grand Lodge Of England, Freemasons Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, LONDON, WC2B 5AZ
MARK (Lodge) Master Mason Apron, jewel Advancement Loss and recovery of the Keystone for the Arch in the First Temple Mark Masons Hall, 86 St. James's Street, LONDON, SW1A 1PL
ROYAL ARK MARINER (Lodge) Mark Master Mason Apron, jewel Elevation Noah and the Ark Mark Masons Hall, 86 St. James's Street, LONDON, SW1A 1PL
ROSE CROIX (Chapter) Master Mason (for at least one year) & Christian Collar 4th to 17th Degrees (conferred by name only)

18th Degree (Perfection)

19th to 29th Degrees (conferred by name only)

30th Degree (Grand Elected Knight K.H)

31st Degree (Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander)

32nd Degree (Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret)

33rd Degree (Inspector General)

The events of Good Friday and Easter Sunday The Supreme Council 33rd Degree, 10 Duke Street, LONDON, SW1Y 6BS
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR (Preceptory) Royal Arch Mason & Christian Tunic, mantle, sash, belt, sword, cap, gloves, jewels Knight Templar

Knight of Malta

Christian pilgrimage leading to dubbing as Knight Mark Masons Hall, 86 St. James's Street, LONDON, SW1A 1PL
ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS (Council) Royal Arch & Mark Master Mason Apron and jewel Select Master

Royal Master

Most Excellent Master

Super Excellent Master

The depositing of the Word in the Crypt of the First Temple - and the intervening  history between the First and Second Temples Mark Masons Hall, 86 St. James's Street, LONDON, SW1A 1PL
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE (Conclave) Royal Arch Mason & Christian Sash and jewel A: Red Cross of Constantine

Knight Companion

Priest Mason

Prince Mason

A: The conversion of Constantine to Christianity Mark Masons Hall, 86 St. James's Street, LONDON, SW1A 1PL
B: Appendant Orders

Knight of the Holy Sepulchre

Knight of St. John the Evangelist

B: The events of Good Friday and Easter Sunday and the explanation of the Hiramic Story in Christian terms
ALLIED MASONIC DEGREES (Council) Royal Arch & Mark Master Mason Breast jewel St. Lawrence the Martyr The death of St. Lawrence Mark Masons Hall, 86 St. James's Street, LONDON, SW1A 1PL
Knights of Constantinople The humility of Constantine contrasted with the arrogance of his nobles
Grand Tilers of Solomon Inadvertent intrusion into King Solomon's Crypt
Red Cross of Babylon Zerubabel visits the Persian Court of King Darius
Grand High Priest Melchisidec meeting Abraham
ORDER OF THE SECRET MONITOR (Conclave) Master Mason Breast jewel Induction

Admission as Prince

The love and friendship of David and Jonathan Mark Masons Hall, 86 St. James's Street, LONDON, SW1A 1PL
OPERATIVES (Assemblage) Royal Arch & Mark Master Mason Collaret and jewel Indentured Apprentice

Fellow of the Craft

Fitter and Marker

Setter Erector

Superintendent and Warden

Detailed construction of the First Temple using the brethren as Living Stones 29 Wickets Way. ILFORD, IG6 3DF
Installed Master in the Craft and Mark Passed Master

Master Mason

KNIGHT TEMPLAR PRIEST (Tabernacle) Installed Master in the Craft & Knight Templar & Royal Arch Mason & professing the Holy Christian Trinitarian Faith. Tunic, mantle, mitre Admission Journey to Priesthood past Seven Pillars Castlegate House, Castlegate, YORK, YO1 9RP
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND (Provincial Grand Lodge) Master Mason (for at least 5 years) & Christian Apron, sashes, jewel, garter Heredom of Kilwinning

Rosy Cross

Masonry expressed through the life and death of Christ in old Border Verse 23 St.John Street, EDINBURGH, EH8 8DG
SOCIETAS ROSICRUCIANA IN ANGLIA (College) Master Mason & Christian Breast jewel Zelator




Acquisition of knowledge of the world and oneself by symbolism 88 Hampstead High Street, LONDON, NW3 1RE
Adeptus Minor

Adeptus Major

Adeptus Exemptus

Reflection on death


Study of the life and death of Christian Rosenkreutz
ROYAL ORDER OF ERI (Faslairt) Adeptus Minor Waist sash and breast jewel Man-at-Arms



Life and times of the ancient Irish hero Brian Boru 88 Hampstead High Street, LONDON, NW3 1RE
C.B.C.S. (Chapter) Knight Templar Tunic, mantle, sash, collar, sword, belt, cap, gloves Knight of St. Andrew

Squire Novice


Templar story emphasising beneficence Mark Masons Hall, 86 St. James's Street, LONDON, SW1A 1PL
ORDER OF LIGHT (Temple) Master Mason Robe and belt First Degree

Passing Degree

Second Degree

Deeper understanding of Masonry through the symbolism of Eastern religions 7 West Street, Shelf, HALIFAX, HX3 7LN
ST.THOMAS OF ACON (Chapel) Subscribing Knight Templar Tunic, mantle, breast & mantle jewels, sword, belt, cap, gloves Installation The life and death of Thomas a Becket 46 Gilstead Lane, BINGLEY, BD16 3NP
PILGRIM PRECEPTORS (Conclave) Past Royal Arch First Principal Royal Arch regalia plus a collaret and jewel Pilgrimage


The Fourth Grand Lodge in Jerusalem and the coming of Christianity to Britain 5 View Crescent, Tivoli Road, LONDON, N8 8RG
HERMETIC ORDER OF MARTINISTS (Lodge) Zelator White alb, a black cloak with hood and cordelier Free Initiate


Supérieur Inconnu, SI or Unknown Superior


The discovery and understanding of Christ within us 38 Westcombe Park Road, LONDON, SE3 7RB
SQUAREMEN (Shed) Mark Master Mason Apron Admission Old workings and atmospheres revived
BALDWYN RITE Bristol Royal Arch Mason Knights of the Nine Elected Masters

Scots Knights Grand Architect

Knights of the East, the Sword, and the Eagle

Freemasons Of Bristol Ltd, 31 Park Street, BRISTOL, BS1 5NH
CORK DEGREE (Lodge) Master Mason Hat and cork Admission Noah satire

Thanks to WBro Barry Clarke PAGDC for the above information.