- Foreword - Purpose of this Research. Use of Historical Data. Application of the New Chronology.
- Preface - Variations between Biblical and other Sources.
In the Beginning
- The Influence of Joseph - Joseph enslaved in Egypt. He is appointed Vizier. Prosperity and famine. The Jewish Sojourn.
- Prelude to the Exodus - The Jews in Bondage. Moses warns Pharaoh. The Ten Plagues.
- The Exodus - Crossing the Red Sea. The Parting of the Waters. Camping at Mount Sinai.
- The Ark of The Covenant - Moses receives the 10 Commandments. Description of the Ark and Tabernacle.
- Wandering in the Wilderness - The Search for the Promised Land. Moses dies in sight of Jericho.
- The Promised Land - Joshua succeeds Moses. The Fragmentation of the Tribes. First loss of the Ark and subsequent Recovery.
- A Yearning for Unity - Appointment and suicide of Saul. David becomes King of Israel.
- Jerusalem - the First Capital - David seizes Jerusalem and plans Israel's First Capital.
- The Concept of The Temple - David buys the Temple Site. Ark moved to Mount Zion. The numbering of the Tribes. A Sacrifice on Mount Moriah.
- The Selection of Solomon - Solomon continues David's Vision of a new Jerusalem. Work starts on Foundations of The Temple.
The Temples
- Building the First Temple - Phase 1 - Hiram, King of Tyre provides Materials. Adoniram directs the Work Force.
- Building the First Temple - Phase 2 - A Description of the Temple and its Construction.
- Hiram Abif - Invitation to Hiram. Description of the Columns, Cisterns and Altars.
- The Dedication - Queen of Sheba impressed in State Visit.
- The Divided Monarchy - Israel divides after Solomon's Death. Nebuchadnezzer II takes control of Jerusalem.
- The Destruction of the First Temple - Jerusalem sacked by Nebchadnezzer's Forces. The Ark disappears.
- The Great Exile - 5,000 Jews banished to Babylon. Zedekiah's alleged treachery. King Cyrus captures Jerusalem. Treasures returned.
- Building the Second Temple - A Description of the Temple. Delays in building works. Herod's enhancements. The Masonic Hall.
- The Destruction of the Second Temple - Romans take Jerusalem. Jews banished. Mosque of Sakhra built on Site of Solomon's Temple.
- Epilogue - Israel, a Nation divided.
A: The New Chronology of Egypt
B: Selected Biblical References
D: Selected Biblical Measurements