The membership of Internet Lodge is spread across more than twenty-eight countries around the world. A number of those members live in countries that have become newly independent since the break-up of the old Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Aware that steps are being taken in those countries to re-establish freemasonry by the re-opening of lodges long ago closed and by the creation of new lodges, the members of Internet Lodge expressed a strong desire to support this re-establishment of freemasonry in those countries in a practical way.
With the support and agreement of the Province of East Lancashire and of the United Grand Lodge of England, Internet Lodge has now established its "International Development Scheme". The Scheme comprises a set of procedures and protocols, backed by the necessary funds, which will enable the Lodge to provide help to newly forming overseas lodges by making gifts of Masonic furniture, artefacts and regalia that will help to get a new lodge off the ground.
The items that will be gifted to the new lodge will usually come from lodges in England that have closed down, perhaps on amalgamation with another lodge, or from a lodge that has decided to surrender its Warrant. Such lodges then find that they have surplus Masonic items of many kinds including furniture, regalia and other artefacts. Internet Lodge would obtain these items, arrange for any necessary restoration and repair and then would deliver the items to the overseas lodge. All the costs for this work would be drawn from the Scheme.
And already, from contacts between its members in this country and in Poland, and with generous donations of items from two East Lancashire lodges, Coronation Lodge and Manchester Science and Art Lodge, the Scheme has been able to undertake its first project. In October 2008 two members of Internet Lodge travelled to Lublin, Poland to present a number of refurbished items to Lodge No. 10 "Freedom Restored" where they were received with much gratitude.Internet Lodge, through its International Development Scheme, hopes to undertake further such projects in the future.