This is a brief description of the past meetings of the Lodge.

Members are able to see fuller details of the venues, minutes and many of the lectures presented on the members-only pages.

Date Venue Province Business
12th October 2024 Rotherham West Riding WBro Dr John Hawkins PJGD
The 2022 Prestonian Lecrurer
"Freemasonry and the Royal Family"
9th August 2024 Oxford Oxfordshire VWBro Dr Ric Berman the 2024 Prestonian Lecturer
The Second Grand Lodge
16th March 2024 Manchester East Lancashire nstallation of Worshipful Master for 2024-2025
W.Bro Dimitri Papageorgiou
Inaugural Address
14th October 2023 Knowle Warwickshire 2nd Tracing Board and Long Working Tools and 1st Degree Tracing Board
12th August 2023 Chorley West Lancashire 3rd Degree demonstration
18th March 2023 Manchester East Lancahire Installation of Worshipful Master for 2023-2024
W.Bro Steve Gregory Inaugural Address
8th October 2022 Berkeley Gloucestershire British Prime Ministers who were Masons
13th August 2022 Coventry Warwickshire An Introduction to Greek Freemasonry
19th March 2022 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of Worshipful Master for 2022-2023
W.Bro Emmanouil Diamantas Inaugural Address
9th October 2021 Rugby Warwickshire History of the town of Rugby. White table.

14th August 2021

Salford East Lancashire

Installation of Worshipful Master for 2021-2022
W.Bro Stephen John Wall Inaugural Address

20th March 2021 Manchester East Lancashire Abandoned due to Covid-19 regulations
10th October 2020 Salford East Lancashire Abandoned due to Covid-19 regulations
5th September 2020 Salford East Lancashire Abandoned due to Covid-19 regulations
21st March 2020 Manchester East Lancashire Meeting abandoned. Freemasonry suspended.
12th October 2019 Sindlesham Berkshire The pointers to the Royal Arch and Mark
Degrees within the Craft W.Bro Philip Harris
10th August 2019 Peacehaven Sussex "Rogues and Rascals in Freemasonry"
WBro Bob Lacey O.B.E. PPrSGW
16th March 2019 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2019-20
WBro Cristian Mihutoiu Inaugural Address
13th October 2018 Harrogate West Yorkshire Lodge of Sorrows demonstration. Ladies' Festival
10th August 2018 Tamworth Staffordshire Masonic Garden of Remembrance at the National Memorial Arboretum
17th March 2018 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2018-19
WBro Alan Breward Inaugural Address
14th October 2017 Barry South Wales Tercentenary Celebration
12th August 2017 Lutterworth Leicestershire Other degrees in Freemasonry
18th March 2017 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2017/18
W.Bro Carl Freeland Inaugural Address
8th October 2016 Sheffield Yorkshire WR "The Future of Freemasonry - Patrick Belton
Ladies' Festival
13th August 2016 Grantham Lincolnshire "The future of freemasonry" - WBro John Acaster
19th March 2016 Manchester East Lancashire

Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2016/17;
W.Bro. Alan Turton Inaugural Address

10th October 2015 Newcastle Northumberland

Demonstration of 19th Century 3rd degree ceremony
Ladies' evening

8th August 2015 London Metropolitan "Welcome to the World of Tomorrow", a presentation by the Connaught Club
21st March 2015 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2015/16
WBro Ben Allen Inaugural Address
11th October 2014 Newport Monmouthshire Demonstration of Historic Russian Initiation
Ladies' festival
9th August 2014 Olney Buckinghamshire The origin of English hymnal.
15th March 2014 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2014/15
WBro Royston Morris Inaugural Address
11th January 2014 Salford East Lancashire Administrative Meeting
12th October 2013 Manningtree Essex Richard Gan - The Ancients and The Moderns
10th August 2013 Bangor North Wales David Siviter - Masonic Figurines
Ladies' festival
Members' reviews

3rd to 10th May 2013

Bucharest and Brasov Romania Lodge visit to Romania
Read Alan Wyer's blog
A view from the Lilies Bronwen Liles' blog
16th March 2013 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2013/14
WBro James Hogg Inaugural Address
13th October 2012 Kettering Northants & Hunts Demonstration by Northants and Hunts team of an initiation in 1759.
Ladies' Evening
11th August 2012 Knutsford Cheshire Kai Hughes Grand Orator "Initiation! What's the point?"
4th to 10th May 2012 Valetta Malta Social and Masonic visit to Malta
Visit to Lodge of St John & St Paul No 349 UGLE
Visit to Ars Descendi Lodge No 6 Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta
Tours, visits, sightseeing, dining and much else.
Read here Alan Wyer's blog
And here is Dave Grayshon's blog
And a blog from one of our ladies - Ann Bryan
Other members' comments
17th March 2012 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2012/13
WBro David Starbuck Inaugural Address
8th October 2011 Coventry Warwickshire Demonstration of Bristol Workings First Degree Ceremony
13th August 2011 Berkley Gloucestershire The Masonic Legend of Jack The Ripper Lecture by WBro Richard A Brown Provincial Grand Orator for Gloucestershire
Ladies' Festival
2nd to 5th June 2011 Minneapolis Minnesota Social Visit to Minneapolis
Demonstration of Emulation 3rd Degree to Sir Winston Churchill Lodge No 351 followed by White Table Social Board
Open Installation Meeting of Lebanon Lodge No 346
3rd Degree Ceremony at Lake Harriet Lodge No 277
Read here one member's blog
19th March 2011 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2011/12
WBro Chris Malpus Inaugural Address
9th October 2010 Wells Somerset Lecture by Simone Enefer-Doy, CEO of Lifelites Charity
Informal Ladies Festival
14th August 2010 Chester Cheshire Lecture By Alan Turton - Elias Ashmole
26th to 30th May 2010 St Catharines, Ontario Canada Social visit to lodges in Canada
20th March 2010 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2010/11
WBro Alan Tibbetts Inaugural Address
8th to 12th October 2009 Westhoughton Lancashire "The Grand Charity" WBro David McCormick
Ladies Festival
8th August 2009 Boston Lincolnshire "The Master's Song" WBro Derek Hughson
4th to 11th June 2009 Ljubljana G.L. Slovenia Social visit to lodges in Slovenia
21st March 2009 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2009/10
WBro Bill Holden Inaugural Address
11th October 2008 Brockenhurst Hants & I.O.W. A double raising (the sons of a member)
8th to 9th
August 2008
Oxford Oxfordshire The Role of the Internet in Modern Freemasonry
Ladies Festival
15th March 2008 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2008/09
WBro Mark Griffin Inaugural Address
14th March 2008 Manchester East Lancashire Visit of MWBro Lord Northampton to present the prizes in the inaugural Short Papers Compeition
12th to 15th
October 2007
Cardiff South Wales WBro Andrew Hollo-Tas: "Freemasonry in Hungary - a thought provoking report of the development of the Craft in central Europe".
Ladies Festival - Millennium Stadium
11th August 2007 Rugby Warwickshire A double initiation (the sons of a member) followed by a lecture "What every Entered Apprentice should know in fifteen minutes" by WBro John Belton.
9th to 12th
May 2007
Atlanta Georgia USA Lodge informal visit to the home state of the Worshipful Master including attendance as guests at a meeting of Chamblee-Sardis Lodge on 10th May
17th March 2007 Manchester East Lancashire Installation of the Worshipful Master for 2007/08
MWBro Charles A. Lewis Past Grand Master Grand Lodge of North Carolina. Inaugural Address
14th October 2006 Winchester Hampshire and
Isle of Wight
The Great Debate - The Ritual needs to change?
12th August 2006 Durham Durham Tom Coulson - The Masonic Museum at Beamish
18th March 2006 Manchester East Lancs Installation of Larry Porter as 9th Master
Inaugural Address - "The Future of Masonic Ritual"
29th October 2005 Kenton Middlesex Administrative Business followed by a visit to the 75th Anniversary meeting of Fraternal Lodge No 5212.
8th October 2005 Estoril Portugal Guests at an emergency meeting of Lancaster Lodge No 9413 (UGLE)
WBro Professor José Anes (Past Grand Master of the Regular (Legal) Grand Lodge of Portugal) "The History of Freemasonry in Portugal"
Ladies Festival at the Hotel Atlantico Estoril
13th August 2005 Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire Yasha Beresiner - "Elias Ashmole's initiation and some more questions"
19th March 2005 Manchester East Lancs Installation of Michael Herman as 8th Master
Inaugural Address
9th October 2004 Kendal Cumberland & Westmorland A Demonstration by The Cleveleys Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.1176 of The Building of King Solomon's Temple.
Ladies Festival at the Castle Green Hotel Kendal
14th August 2004 Worcester Worcestershire Alan Wyer - "The Female Influence on Craft Freemasonry"
Followed by a traditional Lancashire Olde England Night Festive Board
20th March 2004 Manchester East Lancs Installation of John Dutchman-Smith as 7th Master
Inaugural Address - "The need for openness"
11th October 2003 Edgbaston Warwickshire Demonstration of a Ceremony of Initiation exactly according to the Minutes of St. Helier Lodge in the year 1765 and in the costume of that period by The CTO & Telecomms Masonic Association Demonstration Team
Ladies Festival
9th August 2003 Penarth South Wales Eastern Division Richard van Doren "The Development of Freemasonry in the United States of America"
15th March 2003 Manchester East Lancs Installation of Derek Oliver as 6th Master
Inaugural Address "We are family !"
30th November 2002 Bath Somerset Simon Fernie "The Extended Ceremony of a Board of Installed Masters-The 1926 Controversy"
12th October 2002 Canterbury Kent Jan AM Snoek "The Masonic Method-Initiatory and Allusive"
10th August 2002 Leiden The Netherlands Guests at a meeting of L'Age D'Or 235; Leiden; Grand East of the Netherlands, and Ladies Festival in the Leiden Museum of Antiquities with an historic Egyptian Temple as 'backdrop'.
8th August 2002 Hull Yorkshire, North and East Ridings Evert Kwaadgrass "Some remarks on the history of Freemasonry in The Netherlands"
16th March 2002 Manchester East Lancs Installation of Ab Goedhals as 5th Master
Inaugural Address "Outline of his programme for the year"
13th October 2001 Leicester Leicestershire Neville Barker Cryer "Language and Ritual of Today"
September 2001 Florida U.S.A. Informal visit to Florida
18th August 2001 Nottingham Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire Constabulary Male Voice Choir
Ladies Festival
17th March 2001 Manchester East Lancs Installation of Peter Lanes as 4th Master
Inaugural Address "Charity"
13th January 2001 Manchester East Lancs Dedication of the Lodge Banner
14th October 2000 Great Queen Street London Peter Walker "The Telephone Lodge"
Ladies luncheon at The Russell Hotel, Russell Square
12th August 2000 York Yorkshire, North and East Ridings David Mann "CITO Lodge, the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists and the Lifelites Project"
18th March 2000 Manchester East Lancs Installation of Chris White as 3rd Master
Inaugural Address
9th October 1999 Oldham East Lancashire Donation to Turkish earthquake relief
September 1999 Edinburgh Scotland Informal visit to Roslyn Chapel
14th August 1999 Oxford Oxfordshire Michel Brodsky "Continental Freemasonry"
15th May 1999 Great Queen Street London John Hammill "Communications in Freemasonry"
20th March 1999 Manchester East Lancs Installation of John Belton as 2nd Master
Inaugural Address "The Missing Master Mason"
10th October 1998 Dore, Sheffield Derbyshire John Wade "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his Contribution to Freemasonry."
Ladies Festival performance of "Amadeus"
8th August 1998 Bromsgrove Worcestershire RA Gilbert "The Trials and Tribulations of a Masonic Apologist"
21st March 1998 Brentford Middlesex PEH Thomas "The Temples at Jerusalem
29th January 1998 Manchester East Lancs Consecration of Internet Lodge No. 9659
Installation of Gordon Charlton as 1st Master