Welcome to the web-site of Internet Lodge No. 9659
If you are a Freemason looking for information on this lodge or Freemasonry in general, or just someone curious about the Craft, you are invited to look around.
We have a great deal of information for you here, or you can use our links to access more Masonic web sites.
I am proud to be the 13th Master of Internet Lodge, and the first one from Canada. We are an international lodge, with members from all continents, encompassing 30 different countries and 77 Grand Lodge jurisdictions. We are a regular lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England, but we are also a very special lodge. While we meet physically three times per year in various locations in England, much of our work between meetings takes place on line, via our e-mail list and this web site. It has been said that "you get more Freemasonry in a week in this lodge than you can get in a year in a conventional lodge". Our members are in daily contact to do projects together, to help one another, to discuss Masonry or just to socialize.
Meeting locations are chosen each year by the incoming Worshipful Master, and for 2010, our meetings will be held at:
- Manchester, Bridge Street Masonic Hall for installation on Saturday March 20 2010
- Chester, with its magnificent Roman wall and Gothic cathedral on August 14 2010
- Wells, with its beautiful cathedral, on Saturday October 9 2010, which also is the occasion of our annual Ladies Festival.
Jane and I will also be hosting Internet Lodge members and their wives on a visit to the Niagara region of Canada May 26 to 30 2010.
Events include a tour of the Grand Lodge of Canada, a fraternal Lodge visit, a vineyard tour and a boat trip to the foot of the famous Niagara Falls.
Please enjoy your visit to our web site, and I invite you to tell us what you think by leaving a message in our guest book.
Alan Tibbetts PDepDistGM (Ontario, GL Canada)
Worshipful Master Internet Lodge 9659.