Welcome to the web-site of Internet Lodge No. 9659
Fellow Masons are extended a most cordial fraternal greeting from the Officers and the Members of the Lodge. Equally welcomed are visitors to the public pages of the website. Perhaps it is known to you at the onset that the Internet Lodge No. 9659 operates under the Constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England and it is housed in the City of Manchester, Province of East Lancashire.
When I share information about my membership in the Lodge, I am very frequently challenged with the test question- how does a Lodge meet on the Internet! This challenge opens the door for dialogue about the uniqueness of the Internet Lodge No. 9659.
Lest no one be disillusioned, the Lodge does meet three times a year within the confines of a Masonic Temple. The Annual Meeting and Installation takes place each March in the City of Manchester. In 2007 the Lodge will meet in Rugby (August) and in Cardiff (October).
Throughout the year the members conduct business over the Internet. Blogs, postings, reports, papers, and polls enable members to challenge, debate, interpret, and comment upon the worldwide position of Freemasonry. There is seldom a dull moment in the exchanges! By far one of the outstanding features of the Internet Lodge is its electronic capability of global interaction for Masons and non-Masons alike.
The sole requirement for membership in the Lodge is a current and valid membership in a regular Lodge within a jurisdiction recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England.
Another distinguishing characteristic of the Internet Lodge No. 9659 is the opportunity to travel globally for both Masonic and non-Masonic events. The year 2007 will mark the second visit of a delegation of members and spouses to the United States. The first visit was to Florida and the forthcoming visit will be to Georgia. It has been tradition to attend an American Lodge during these trips. The cultivation of new friends and Masonic contact enhances the spirit of fellowship within the Lodge. Other international visits have included Portugal and The Netherlands.
Non-Masonic visitors to the website have indicated that they have been motivated to learn more about Freemasonry and some, intrigued by the tenets, philosophy, and purpose of the fraternity, pursue membership.
Whatever be your interest or motivation, the Internet Lodge No. 9659 website is available for you to satisfy your curiosity and to provide information electronically.
Dr. Charles A. Lewis Jr.
Worshipful Master Internet Lodge 9659