Chris White the 3rd Worshipful Master welcomes you to the Internet Lodge 9659 EC Web Site.
As the new WM for Internet Lodge I welcome you to our web site. Internet Lodge has now been in existence for just over 2 years having been consecrated in Manchester, England, UK on the 29th January 1998. It is a real lodge! We don't meet in cyberspace as has been asked many times of me. We have 3 meetings per year at varying locations around the UK. The next meeting will be held in York, UK. And the final one of my year will be in London. Please visit our programme section for more information. We have a large number of international brethren from all 4 corners of the world, amongst our membership. My current Senior Warden comes from Florida, USA. and my Junior Warden is from the Netherlands. This year my theme is based on “The Internet & Freemasonry”
I take over from John Belton during a period in which the Internet is booming and the number of Masonic web sites is likewise increasing on a day-to-day basis. Grand Lodge has recently informed Internet Lodge that there will be a certification scheme for UGLE sites that will carry with it a “Certified UGLE Web Site” symbol. This we are now striving to achieve in conjunction with our Provincial Lodge and Grand Lodges’. If you are currently considering or already run a web site I would recommend that you contact your provincial lodge or Grand Lodge for more information.
The best way to find out about Internet Lodge is to take a tour around our site. I would first recommend that you visit our Masonic Information section. Once you have thoroughly looked through this area of the site I would suggest that you visit our DocuShare site. This is a dynamic collection of documents that are being regularly added to by members of the lodge. We are always looking for more information to add to this area of the website. Any submissions should be sent to our Webmaster who will pass them on to our editorial team for review.
Having browsed DocuShare return to the home page of our site and visit our Guest Book. You will be amazed at the entries we have received on this very active area of the site. Please place an entry there yourself. Currently, as of March 2000 we receive about 550 users per day on the web site. (This works out to about 175,000 hits per month).
Again, I welcome you to our website and look forward to reading your comments in our guest book.
Yours, Sincerely & Fraternally,
Chris White. WM. Internet Lodge 9659 UGLE.
March 2000.