Welcome to the website of Internet Lodge No. 9659
If you are a Freemason looking for information on this lodge or Freemasonry in general, or just someone curious about the Craft, you are invited to look around. There is a great deal of information here and many links to other masonic web sites.
Please enjoy your visit to our web site.
It is an honour for me to be the 17th Master of Internet Lodge and the first from Monmouthshire to hold this office. We are an international lodge, with members from all continents, encompassing many different countries and Grand Lodge jurisdictions.
This is a regular lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England, but also a very special lodge, which meets three times per year in various locations in England. Between meetings we work on line, via our e-mail list and this web site. Our members are in daily contact to work together, help one another, discuss Masonry or just socialize. And, I hasten to add that we do not hold our lodge meetings over the internet. We call ourselves “Internet Lodge” because we use the internet and other computer technology to enhance communications with our membership. This is much more relevant today with the iphone and newer technology that we have available.
Meeting locations are chosen each year by the incoming Worshipful Master, and for 2014, our meetings will be held in:
- Manchester, Bridge Street Masonic Hall for Installation on Saturday March 15th. 2014.
- Olney, Buckinghamshire, for a talk about the The Origin of English Hymnal. August 9th 2014.
- Newport, Gwent, where the Newport demonstration team will demonstrate a Russian ceremony. We will hold our Ladies' evening at the Holiday Inn Newport, October 11th 2014. There will be a visit to the Big Pit Mining Museum and surrounding area for the ladies.
Enjoy your visit to our web site.
Royston Morris
Worshipful Master Internet Lodge 9659.