Internet Lodge No.9659
W Bro Royston Morris PProvGSuptWks (Monmouthshire)
15th March 2014
A World of Freemasonry.
Distinguished Brethren, Brother Wardens, Brethren all
Firstly brethren I would like on your and my behalf to welcome the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Martin Roche a former member on visiting this lodge today. Sir you are most welcome, maybe some day when your duties are a little less demanding on your time you may consider re-joining this unique Lodge.
Brethren of Internet Lodge, thank you for allowing me to occupy this chair,
it gives me great pleasure and pride to be the 17th Worshipful Master of Internet Lodge for the ensuing year.
Freemasonry is capable of bestowing many honours upon its members
but none so great as that of Master of the Lodge, (particularly Internet Lodge).
There are higher degrees to which through diligence and devotion to duty we may obtain, but no one can, unless he has the respect, support, confidence and co-operation of his Brethren be elevated to the honoured office of Worshipful Master.
I am especially appreciative of the honour you, the brethren, have bestowed upon me. The faith you have displayed in me and the responsibilities you have entrusted to my care.
It was some years ago that I was trawling the Internet to research a lecture for an Installed Masters lodge that I happened upon the welcome page of this the Internet Lodge. Upon reading it I filled in the form to say I was interested in joining next thing I am invited to Cardiff by W Bro John Dutchman-Smith where W. Bro Charles Lewis was in the chair.
I was welcomed as a visitor and was so impressed with the standard of the Lodge proceedings and demeanour of the master in the chair also the efficiency of the secretary and assistant secretary closely scrutinised by the Provincial Grand Secretary of South Wales (Who is now the Provincial Grand Master of South Wales) I was proposed as a joining member and was proud to stand up when my name was read out by JDS. Little did I know then that I would be the occupant of this chair.
After a number of successful trips with the lodge both overseas, in England and Wales I was cohersed into submitting a manifesto by W Bro Naunton Liles not thinking for one moment I stood a chance of progressing as so many excellent manifestos have been submitted previously and since. ( Brethren may I say to those whose manifesto has not been chosen, please re submit them as they are all worthy of consideration).
So Brethren My thanks today must go to the Installing Master W Bro Chris White , W Bro John Dutchman-Smith and W Bro David Starbuck for their assistance in preparing me for this installation. W.Bro John Dutchman-Smith thank you for presenting me for Installation. W Bro Chris I thank you for all the work you did for this Installation to be such a success and installing me into the chair of King Solomon .
For the assistance of the Installing Wardens and the delivery of the various address’s and charge to the Wardens. Also the address to me by W Bro Steve Gregory. The address to the Brethren by W Bro Chris White I must say that is the reason I am so enthusiastic about Internet Lodge.
I must also congratulate W.Bros Ben Allen, Ken Morris and Asa Thornborough for the excellent explanation of the working tools and all the brethren who have taken office, including those brethren overseas.
Brethren my predecessors have set a distinguished example of leadership; I will endeavour to live up to their standards. Looking at my Officers and with the knowledge of the interest and assistance of all the active members of the Lodge, I am confident that I shall have a successful year.
So Brethren I am mindful of the content of my manifesto “a year of consolidation.”
I had put certain changes into place, but due to unforeseen circumstances, of ill health and additional commitments some of these measures of consolidation have taken a step back, but I am sure that you will all assist where you can in making these necessary changes take place.
Brethren our permanent officers are in need of change they have been asking for brethren with suitable experience to put themselves forward for consideration to take on these offices We are in need to train these persons to undertake key roles in our Lodge. Our treasurer Brian Cozens and Co Treasurer yes, co treasurer Tony Porter, are in need of someone to take over the important job of looking after our finances. Our Assistant Secretary is training his successor and our charity steward his. If we are to continue to be a successful lodge these changes are needed sooner rather than later when it’s too late and the expertise is not available .
Overseas visit
Brethren this year has come one year earlier than expected due to a blip in our progression, believe me W Bro Benedict it does make a big difference in planning so start now.
My ideas for an overseas trip took a dive when the location was used by our IPM as the alternative to Florida so that was out, Another location was tried and that turned up in someone’s manifesto so I have decided not to encroach on the possibility of spoiling someone’s manifesto. Hence year of consolation.
The year ahead.
After our Installation meeting a number of us are going to the Royal Exchange Theatre to see Orlando by Virginia Wolf that is kindly organised by W Bro David Starbuck.
August meeting to be in Olney Buckinghamshire Organised by Roy Hodgson, Peter Clark and Ron Williams, where we will be in the Cowper Lodge rooms in a church with a white table dinner in the evening.
October meeting to be in Newport Masonic Hall Monmouthshire where we will witness the Russian Ceremony and a ladies evening being organised by the Welsh Mafiosa and Von Trap family.
The ladies will have the chance to visit the Big Pit Mining Museum.
Brethren I have so much to say but am mindful that your attention span is dwindling and the festive board is waiting, so just to sum up my feelings, please support your lodge as we all know it is not what masonry can do for you but what YOU can do for masonry.
Thank you,
Roy Morris
Worshipful Master
Internet Lodge No. 9659